seroost - Local Search Engine: Discover Relevant Results Locally
Explore the power of local search with seroost, a Local Search Engine developed with a frontend touch. As a frontend developer, I ventured into Rust to craft an efficient and intuitive search engine tailored for local environments.
The key feature of seroost is its search capability powered by the tf-idf algorithm. This algorithm enables precise and relevant results by considering the term frequency-inverse document frequency of each word in the documents.
Quick Start
Get seroost up and running with a few simple steps:
$ cargo run serve ./folder/
Project Highlights
Local Search: seroost focuses on providing fast and accurate search results within a specified local directory.
tf-idf Algorithm: The search algorithm employs the tf-idf algorithm to enhance the relevance of search results based on the frequency and importance of terms in the documents.
Code Overview
The core functionality of seroost is encapsulated in Rust. The search engine is designed to be efficient and user-friendly, offering seamless integration into local environments.
Video Reference
Delve into the development process and intricacies of seroost by watching the video session on Tsoding Daily.